Allow adding an operator and it's (lazy) transpose
Created by: PhilipVinc
From the recently opened issue I noticed that right now neteket complains if you try to add an operator and its lazy transpose/hermitian.
The issue arises because he does not know that he can take the obj.dtype
of those types... I fixed it now.
>>> a+a.H
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/filippovicentini/Dropbox/Ricerca/Codes/Python/netket/netket/operator/", line 241, in __add__
op = self.copy(dtype=np.promote_types(self.dtype, _dtype(other)))
File "/Users/filippovicentini/Dropbox/Ricerca/Codes/Python/netket/netket/operator/", line 42, in _dtype
raise TypeError(f"cannot deduce dtype of object type {type(obj)}: {obj}")
TypeError: cannot deduce dtype of object type <class 'netket.operator._lazy.Adjoint[<class 'netket.operator._local_operator.LocalOperator'>]'>: Adjoint(LocalOperator(dim=1, acting_on=[(0,)], constant=0.0, dtype=float64))
This is now addressed