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Setting up Binder to run Tutorials

Vicentini Filippo requested to merge github/fork/jamesETsmith/mybinder into v2.0

Created by: jamesETsmith

This PR sets up binder, which would allow users to run small tutorials on virtual machines hosted by binder. I mentioned it in the issue #156 (closed).

Binder uses the environment.yml file to set up a Conda environment with all of the dependencies (mpi4py, an mpicompiler, numpy, etc). I've added a badge in the that links to the binder build of NetKet. I've tested CustomHamiltonian.ipynb, which runs without issue, and 'j1j2.ipynb`, which crashes when the user creates the FFNN. I'm not totally sure why this is yet, but I'll continue to look into it.

If you want to check out the binder you can use the badge in the or this link:

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