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Speedup ExactSampler

Vicentini Filippo requested to merge pv/speedup-exact into master

Created by: PhilipVinc

ExactSampler does not really generate Markov Chains, as all samples are independent, so there is little sense in generating the samples one step at a time.

Since it has to callback into python to convert numbers to actual bit strings, doing it only once in a batch is more efficient, especially for small networks where this becomes the bottleneck.

Moreover, we get as a bonus that performance with ExactSampler becomes independent of the number of chains that we have.

import netket as nk
from tqdm import tqdm

ma = nk.models.RBM(alpha=1, use_visible_bias=True, dtype=float)

def benchmark(L, n_chains, n_samples, n_iters=1000):
    g = nk.graph.Hypercube(length=L, n_dim=1, pbc=True)
    hi = nk.hilbert.Spin(s=1 / 2, N=g.n_nodes)
    sa = nk.sampler.ExactSampler(hi, n_chains=n_chains)
    vs = nk.variational.MCState(sa, ma, n_samples=n_samples, n_discard=0, seed=66)
    for i in tqdm(range(n_iters)):

# L = 10 
benchmark(10, 16, 1000)
# this pr
# 1000/1000 [00:31<00:00, 32.02it/s]
# master
# 1000/1000 [02:16<00:00,  7.30it/s]

benchmark(10, 1, 1000)
# this pr
# 1000/1000 [00:30<00:00, 34.23it/s]
# master
# 200/200 [01:52<00:00,  1.80it/s]

benchmark(15, 16, 1000)
# this pr
# 1000/1000 [00:48<00:00, 20.58it/s]
# this pr
# 000/1000 [03:16<00:00,  5.10it/s]

benchmark(18, 16, 1000, n_iters=100)
# this pr
# 100/100 [00:19<00:00,  5.07it/s]
# master
# 100/100 [00:37<00:00,  2.68it/s]

benchmark(20, 16, 1000, n_iters=100)
# this pr
# 100/100 [01:15<00:00,  1.32it/s]
# master
# 100/100 [02:16<00:00,  1.36s/it] 

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