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Batched stuff

Vicentini Filippo requested to merge github/fork/inailuig/batched_stuff into master

Created by: inailuig

This PR contains several utilities that go in nk.jax that replace standard jax functionality in order to reduce memory consumption through batching.

Those are mainly nk.jax.vjp_batched, nk.jax.vmap_batched (and nk.jax.scan_append/accum on top of which those are built).

Both of those support a subset of the original jax API, plus a new argument, batch_size, and they will essentially loop through the input data in blocks of batch_size-elements along the batch_axis argument.

This bounds the memory consumption. Some rough support for AD through those new operations is implemented but it is not complete.

Those APIs are highly experimental, use them at your own risk. They will be used to implement batching of expect and of QGT.

Ideally one day we will move them to another package, like utils4jax.

Merge request reports